Sabado, Hunyo 1, 2019


Yes now the rains weep o'er his halls, and not a soul to hear. I am not sure, whether the words are right. What I am sure is this, I am not quite satisfied with how they conclude the series, Game Of Thrones.

The error all begins with season 7, with the very fast flying ravens, that can reach Dragonstone from Eastwatch By The Sea in just days. In which they mentioned from Season 1 Episode 10, the wall and King’s Landing distance from each other, was a thousand leagues. Again, I don’t know how is the measurement are exactly. But they are using the number units, thousand. It’s damn long I guest, for a bird to travel that fast.

And also the fast marching Lannisters, and the teleporting Iron Fleet. And the absurd meeting between Cersei and Allied Forces of the North and Daenerys. Just to prove that the dead exist. And the death of Littlefinger, my oh my.

I understand that they needed a pretext, for what comes next. But what comes next, is just as bad. And for those who had not watch it yet, Warning: Spoiler Alert.

As it was destroyed already from season 7, there is nothing we can do for season 8. Its beyond saving. Episode 1 to 4 is agreeable. Episode 5, is where all the problems began. Why burn the city, when it surrenders? Even madmen of real history, wont do that, even Hitler, might have not made that kind of a decision. You might say, this is a show. But the show, was based on a book of fiction, that mimics historical events of our world.

Why did I say that madmen of real history, won’t do such  a thing? Because, if they decide to destroy a city, they will destroy the city no matter what. But what happened with Daenerys is, she attacked the military targets first, The Iron Fleet, the scorpions at the wall, the Golden Company, then ponders and becoming angry at Cersei. The city surrenders, yet she burns it. They should have made it that it was decided early on that she will burn the city, rather than stopping and pondering. It was not seen as a turning point, but just as a stupid plot, without logic.

The show makers explained in Inside the Episode, Episode 5, that the cause was the accumulating problems within her inner circle. Jon Snow being the true heir. The killing of Missandei, and the lost of Jorah, and Rhaegal. And knowing that Varys might betray her. Still doesn’t add up on why the city burned, after they surrendered.
Also the fight, between Jaime and Euron, is just a waste of time. They should have focus more on the much awaited Cleganebowl.

And then, the final episode. Entitled the Iron Throne. What a poetic ending for Game of Thrones, that the Iron Throne, which was the cause of all squabble in the first place, was destroyed.

The speech of Daenerys, was stupid. All her life, what she wants is to sit on the chair, and when she got it, she speaks of world domination. And when they killed her character, she could have said something, but she just died. And why after that, Drogon, takes her east? Is it because Volantis is at the East? Is he taking him to the servants of the Lord of Light, who can resurrect the dead? I don’t know. On that note, HBO could extend the series, because of the ambivalence, of what happened with Drogon.

And did the 7 kingdoms, recognized the brief reign of Daenerys? I’m a bit confused, because of that meeting, where Bran was elected to be king. I don’t like it. I personally liked Jon Snow to be king. But the storyline at that point won’t allowed it, they should have chosen, to return the throne, to the Baratheons. To Gendry, at least. But that’s my opinion.
Another thing, that I took noticed, was the words that came out of Ser Davos’ mouth, in seeking to make peace with the Unsullied. Especially Greyworm, who is seeking justice for the murder of Daenerys. Here is exactly what he said, and I quote:

“There is a land in the Reach, good lands. The people use to live there are gone. Make it your own. Start your own house, with the Unsullied as your bannerman...”

Who wrote that script? How can Greyworm, start his own house? Did they forgot that the Unsullied are eunuchs. They have no cock, how could he start a house?

And when the decision is made for Bran to be king, why Sansa refused to be part of the 7 kingdoms? I would have understand, if the one who was chosen was from the south. But the king was a Stark, from the North. Why the North has to be an independent kingdom? It has no logic, for them to secede from the 7 kingdoms. I don’t like Sansa being Queen of the North. And why Arya did suddenly want to become Magellan, and explore the west of Westeros? And why is Jon Snow being returned to the Night’s Watch?

My whole feeling about the ending of the series can be summarized in the conversation between Tyrion and Jon in prison. Letting Jon know, what will happen to him. I don’t know, if they made it that way on the script or is it only my interpretation, that as if David Benioff and D.B Weiss are criticizing themselves through this.

Jon: Was it right? What I did?
Tyrion: What we did.
Jon: It doesn’t feel right.
Tyrion: Ask me again in ten years

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