Biyernes, Hunyo 7, 2019


Don’t jump into conclusions yet, by my wording of the word, world in the title. I am living in the Philippines, were democracy still thrives, despite the reports you may have received in the West, if you are in the West. I love being in a democracy, but if you will look in to the history and let’s not look far, current affairs, democracy had been bad for the world. We’ll delve into that later. But first let’s talk about Westeros, at least on how it ends on HBO series, Game of Thrones, not the novels. After the brief reign of Queen Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, The Unburnt, The Mother of Dragons, The Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, The Breaker of Chains, Queen of the Bay of Dragons, The Burner of King’s Landing, The Liberator from Tyrants, Queen of the Andals and The First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms.

Tyrion Lannister proposed after the throne, for the Iron Throne was no more then, was vacated with no heir to ascent it, that they should choose someone among the lords of Westeros, to be the new king of the Seven Kingdoms. And they have chosen Brandon of House Stark, giving him the monicker, Bran the Broken, King of the Six Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm. Six Kingdoms, for the North chose to secede, putting Sansa Stark as the first Queen of the North.

Let’s not go democracy, but with The North seceding alone and the throne allowing it, poses immediate problems. Representatives of Dorne, and Iron Islands are present at the caucus. Dorne was not subjugated by the Iron Throne, until it was married into it. While the Iron Islands, rebelled twice, one, at the time of King Robert, the other, at the time of the War of Five Kings, with Balon Greyjoy, being one of that five kings. Would seeing the North seceding, not make them think to secede too, or worse, to rebel again? Bran was right about one thing that he uttered, while he was king. He needed Master of Whisperers and Master of War. War will indeed come, with the composition of the new government, and the kingdoms. And why is he finding Drogon? Will he go dracarys to the one’s that rose up against him? And about the Master of War, will Sir Bronn of the Blackwater be more fitting to that office, than being the new Master of Coin? He knew nothing, about money or economics other than killing someone, and being paid for it, and the Lannisters having a debt on him, and not being paid for a fucking long time, until it was, finally. He had Highgarden.

So why it is bad for Westeros...and the world? Look at all civil wars that happened to Westeros, Dance of Dragons, Rhaenyra vs Aegon, The Blackfyre Rebellions, Robert’s Rebellion, Greyjoy Rebellions, and the War of the Five Kings. If the lords of Westeros, smells illegitimacy on the throne, they will rebel and plunged the country into a civil war. So what’s my point really? If they smell illegitimacy, they will rebel. But now, they all suddenly become legitimate claimants to the throne through elections, wouldn’t they rebel more? Westeros will have scheming and backstabbing, more than it had before King Bran. And because it is democracy, another thing will rise, vote buying. Either by money or something else, that can buy your favor if you’re a voting lord. With the North being out of the Kingdoms under King Bran. The next king, or kings might come, if the system will continue, from the kingdom who has the more to give, than any one else. And that kingdom, will be the kingdom of the Reach. House Blackwater might rule the Six Kingdoms for a hundred years after King Bran.

Another thing is, democracy is bad newbies to democracy. Westeros have no wide scale experience of democracy, with the exception of some smaller organizations. Like the choosing of the Lord Commander of the King’s Guard, the choosing of the Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch, and the choosing of the Lord, or the King of the Iron Islands at the King’s Moot. Other than that, Westeros had none.

Why did I say that democracy, is bad for newbies to democracy? After World War I, United States of America, pushed for the spread of democracy throughout the world, but especially in Europe, where major monarchies fell down one by one. They give the system to those countries, without properly guiding them. In turn, Europe had produced Hitler, Musollini, Franco, etc. I’m not including Stalin, for Russia have become Communist, or to be more correct, a Socialist State, after World War I or even before World War I ended. So after World War II, they supervise those countries they liberated, both in Asia and Europe. And now those countries, have strong democracies. But again, United States of America, repeated the same mistake in World War I on Iraq. Toppled Saddam, and replaced it with a democracy, then again, leaving them to themselves. What it gave us in return, ISIS, which is pestering the peace, every once in a while. It also gave Iran more influence in that region. Threatening both Israel, and Saudi Arabia, their allies.

In ancient times, Rome was also democracy. The senate rules it, but in times of war, they elect a leader, which they call a dictator. One dictator was elected, and never let go of the title and the powers with it. That man is Julius Caesar. After him, Rome never became a democracy ever again. Emperors ruled it for a thousand years after him.

For a democracy to last, it needs to be strong. If it is weak, it will crumble like the Roman Republic, the Weimar Republic, The Republic of China(the one that was established in the Mainland, by Sun Yat-Sen, and not the present-day Taiwan), etc. And what a democracy needs to be strong? Leaders that have conviction, and determination, like that of the founding fathers of the United States. Tyrion, I think will be a determined leader, for he proposed all of it. What I’m worried about though is King Bran. As the show states; people with so much power can be dangerous. Cersei and Daenerys, has only that kind powers, with Dany only having dragons which puts her in an advantage, and they plunged the kingdoms into that state. Bran has superpowers. The former three-eyed raven, promised he will fly. I’m very scared of what he can do.

So I stood by my choice, that the rightful king after Daenerys was killed, excluding Jon Snow of course, is Gendry Baratheon, Lord of the Stormlands, by the decree Queen Daenerys. Bran has too much power already by himself, even before he was king. Bran though, should the Master of Whisperers.

Another thing that weakens democracy, is corruption. With Bronn, being the new Master of Coin, I’m not that very optimistic, that there will be zero corruption. With the talks already of funding brothels, than ships.

I trust Tyrion, because in Tyrion we trust, at least in Westeros, in terms of governing just like his father Tywin Lannister, minus the cruelty and ruthlessness. He is bad though, at choosing his leaders, especially kings. He was bad at chosing Daenerys, and they let him dictate the nomination, and chose Bran. What could possibly go wrong? They have pretty good luck with these in the past. A quote from one of David Letterman’s monologue.

Democracy for it to be right, should have proper guidance, and experience, Westeros has none. It should have strong leaders, Westeros has Tyrion, but I’m worried about Bran a lot. And less corruption. With Bronn as the Master of Coin, I’m not very optimistic.

To the new government of Westeros, I wish you good fortunes, in the wars to come. Better find Drogon fast. And with Queen Daenerys being taken to the east, where Volantis is located, worry about her too. Because of what happened to her, the whole Westeros might burn, in the middle of Winter. Bringing Ice and Fire, together.

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