Martes, Agosto 10, 2021


Remember the Stark words, I am Iron Man. Just kidding. Winter is Coming is the word. Winter is really coming, come winter season. May vary from different parts of the world, but it's somehow always fall Novemberish to Decemberish, along those lines. After that, Spring, which will be in 2022.

Here in the Philippines, another thing is coming this 2022. It's the Presidential Election, and no one is talking how we Pinoy's will do it.

I am particularly worried about this, because of the elephant in the room. COVID-19 and its mutating variants.

I mean, how we will gonna do it with these setting? No one is talking plans about it. If we will gonna do it, the old way, it will be the one big single superspreader event that will happen in our country, within the COVID era.

I heard some rumours though, but it will bring more harm than good. No Elections. 

We should be talking now, the earliest on how we will do it. Or else deadlines will catch up on us, were we can't talk about, and do anything about it anymore. Especially lawmakers.

At least plan, whether we will have or we will have not. If there will be no elections, I'm very skeptical about it. Of course it will extend the terms of elected officials, especially the President. Some may like it and me in some sense, but also I don't.

Let me explain. Leni Robredo, can't win if she runs for President. Sara may not win the Presidency, but  Leni can't win surely. If we will postpone the elections, the terms might be extended, that will also include the term of the Vice President. And judging the form of the President, he can't take the toll of the Presidency for any longer. He's greatly weaken by it. And I hate the idea of him, God forbid, dying at the office. And the Vice President assuming power. The VP is dimwitted in many ways, and might take the country to war with China, if she will assume power. A thing that the Philippines, with all it's problems, can do without. That's why I am against no elections.

If there will be elections, Sara will win. But how we will do it? Should we try like the US did? Mail in ballots. If we will do it, then let's talk about it now. Of course there will also be personal voting, in the precincts. But we can't do it like before. I have voted before, and there will be too many people. And too many people gathering is a superspreader in this era. People might not vote, because of the risk. I suggest that the election day be extended to three days to a week. to prevent superspreader events. But let's talk about it now. Or should we also do a hybrid, hybrid in the sense that there is mail in ballots, and precinct voting. But we should be talking about it now.

Whatever we will do about these elections, talk about it now! So we can implement early, and before everything is too late.

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